Today was not the complete success that I would have wished for, but I did go in the right direction. I had three items on my agenda that I was determined to succeed in.
Food - today was supposed to be a healthy eating day, but baring that I at least wanted to have a day without soda. Soda accounts for a minimum of 500 calories a day for me so it's a major issue for me. I'm happy to report that I have made it through the day without any! As far as everything else went - I didn't do great but I didn't do terribly bad either. My calorie count was higher than I intended (right at 2000 - I wanted to start at 1800) and I ate only one veggie serving and one fruit serving. Tomorrow my goal is to avoid soda and eat more fruits & veggies, and try to get my calorie count down to 1800. Anything else will be a bonus!
Activity - because I'm so obese I avoid going out. Today I forced myself to go to the mall and I walked for 30 minutes. Doesn't sound like much, but I was quite pleased with myself because my back, knees and ankles hurt so much that I wanted to give up before I even began. Tomorrow I'm going to walk again and I want to try to ride my exercise bike for at least 15 minutes.
Church - I need a higher power in my life. While I believe in God and Jesus, I have to admit that I haven't attended Church in years. Originally it was just that there was always something else that I felt I needed to do more. But the last few years it's been because of my weight and my desire to avoid interacting with people. Now it's become a issue of even if I go to church 1) can I walk all the way from the parking lot to the church and 2) will I fit in the seat/row? So for the first few months of 2012 it is my intention to attend "online" services. I attended today's service which was about helping one - instead of being overwhelmed with the desire to help everyone, find one person or one family this year that you can help for the long term. Someone that you can help not just by giving money but by giving time. I'm excited because I know that the more I can help someone else, the more it will help me - less time to eat, less time to feel sorry for myself, etc. Now I just need to figure out where I can find the right person to help.
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